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Hopewell provides mental health services in Kenya. They believe In transforming the lives of individuals and communities towards meaning, impact and fulfillment. StardustConcept, through our association with the HerMeNow Accelerator, was commissioned to refresh Hopewell’s visual identity.

/ the brief

With a target on corporates and SMEs, the team at Hopewell wanted a logo that was modern and bold. Our north star was Serah Muindi, founder of Hopewell, who stated, “My hope is that when someone sees the Hopewell Logo, they trust us with their staff, teams and company secrets.”





/ the concept

For this redesign, we were inspired by the depth of ideas present in the original logo. The team clearly wanted to communicate their mission emphatically through their logo. We decided to follow in those footsteps – express the mission of the firm in the most visually impactful manner.

// the logo

Our earliest drafts were about cleaning up the existing hopewell logo. But, pretty soon we were working on expanding upon the ideas present in the original logo.

logo concept

The original logo was a combination of metaphors representing the firm’s values of hope, rejuvenation and life. We were motivated to explore the same in a more cohesive package that was also minimalist, modern and bold.

logo cocept

We ended up with 3 options that served as directions to explore.

logo concept
logo concept
hopewell logo dark

// the final logo

As we studied the options, we found the impact diminished as we squeezed in multiple metaphors. The most powerful icon was the single water droplet. As Serah put it, the company was a well of hope, giving the droplet more resonance with the Hopewell mission.

hopewell logo white

// fonts

The primary typeface selected was Montserrat, chosen for its beauty and urban feel.


montserrat font bold


montserrat font light

// color palette

The palette was inspired by the colors of Africa, without being overt or cliched.

dark blue color
orange color
light blue color

// mockups

hopewell logo
Fish Box Africa
Next Project

Fish Box Africa
